Fierce Tech: Your 0 tech IQ
The most Advance Tech Quiz app built with Flutter💙 and AWS Amplify🧡
The evolution of coding, music education, and web development are just a few instances of how the world around us is changing dramatically as we learn new abilities. Many children and teenagers are eager to study new technologies since it gives their passions more vitality.
We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.-Peter Drucker
Background Story
Its a story about the times when I was 12 ,I was interested in development, there was always a question mark to me that were no app's on the Android Playstore or Appstore that could check a developer's Tech IQ, more importantly these are the app's that encourage the younger minds these days to explore the world of tech via these amazing games.
The Problem
As per latest Google Play stats, you will be shocked to know that there are 3.48 million apps currently at the Google Play Store. This number of apps on Google Play is on a rise as 3,739 apps are added to the Play Store every single day. Still there is not such app for aspiring developers and professional to have a quiz game related to their field.
The Fierce tech app fixes the issues of having a high quality app in the market that could not only fix issues of a good app to test their tech skills via a quiz game but also have a competitive learning environment among fellow developer's as well as learner's.
Fierce Tech is a essential tools for developers and learners as it offers
Assess Knowledge-Check out level of progress in learning via quiz
Motivate Learner - Motivate learner to do well in order to get to their favourite topic such Hacking and more which are need to be unlocked with a high score.
Engage Learner -Its been found quiz games help to engage students in these studies more than books for reasons such as real life questions,highly interactive quizs.
High Retention via games and quiz
Solution :
Here's a link to the Demo of the app []
Fierce Tech
The most advanced tech quiz game is here to challenge you to test your developer's IQ and most importantly learn and enjoy the learning process as a learner.
This app features across 6 different categories for developer's to choose from namely
- Coding
- Network
- IT Tools
- Web Development
- Hardware 6 Hacking
Quiz of the app is based on the type of user you are ?
App also offer difficulty level to the developers based on their Level such as NOOB,MEDIUM AND PRO
App also offers you to go either in a random or quiz based on you choice,
Tech Stack
It's the most important part of the app,I build this app using the following tech's
- Flutter 💙 Using Provider package to manage the state of the app and to solve issues regarding the user score in the app
AWS Amplify
AWS Amplify provides a essential feature of security within the app through which we can enable the sign up and login functionality of the app smoothly across different operating system
You can add a record to this using Authentication from Flutter Aws Amplify Flutter documentation
Used these features of Amplify for Flutter to enable smooth login and sign up process
You need to add these dependencies to your flutter project's pubspec.yaml file and run
- get dependencies
amplify_flutter: ^0.6.8
amplify_auth_cognito: ^0.6.8
Here a demo how the signup page looks like in the app
Here a demo how the signup page looks like in the app
The user gets their result at the end which fun and indication to learn more and more .
In future I m planning to add the functionality of add score of users in the app and make it a global level game where developer can paly and keep on improving.